Conklin 20
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This Conklin model 20 is a BCHR pen in the standard size and length for a size 2 pen.  It is full length and full diameter and is fitted with a pocket clip and a Conklin Toledo 2 nib.  The nib is flexible from fine to broad, but not a "wet noodle".

When I acquired this pen, it was oxidized rather badly to an ugly greenish-brown color, so I chose to re-blacken it using Pensbury Manor Potion No. 9.  The chasing was already rather worn, particularly between the crescent lock ring and the end of the barrel, and the model number imprint was faint but legible.  The re-blackening does not seem to have had any negative effect on the remaining chasing or imprint.

Here is the pen as it was when I got it.

This is the pen after re-blackening

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